b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 Although these trends are not unique to the Region, they do present potentialsocialandeconomicchallengesforitsfuture.Imbalanced growth in older populations could leave the Region vulnerable to a host of health care and social services costs without a productive base to supportthem.AstheagingBabyBoomerpopulationapproaches retirement,newworkerswillbeneededtofilltheirplacesand,Eat healthy, be eventually, to take care of them.In addition, local governments willphysically active facechallengesinprovidingsocialandhealthcareservicestothis growing population of seniors.The NH Center for Public Policy Studies estimates that by 2018, health care will account for almost 24% of New HampshiresGrossStateProduct-anincreasefrom13%in1998. s Although healthcare use varies by age and gender, it is becoming more expensive as people overall are receiving more care, more often.It is likely that these costs will only continue to rise into the future. HEALTH EQUITYAddressing environmental, social and economic determinants of health isanimportantapproachtowardsachievinghealthequity.Health equity is when everyone has the opportunity to attain their full health potentialandnooneisdisadvantagedfromachievingthispotential becauseoftheirsocialpositionorothersociallydetermined circumstance.Determinants of health such as economic disadvantage, unequal access to health care, lack of education, etc. are contributing factors of health inequities.In more recent years, health organizations, institutions,andeducationprogramshavebeenencouragedtolook beyond individual behavior and address the underlying conditions that have an impact on individual and community health.Where possible, this Plan incorporates strategies and factors that address some of these determinantsofhealth;however,thesestrategiesshouldnotbe considered comprehensive approaches to addressing healthy inequity.Thereismuchmorethatcanandshouldbedonein theRegionto improve access to health.This Plan provides a starting point to address regional health priorities and is intended to be developed further over time.15'