b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 developmental delays.A result may be out-of-home placement of the child.It has been calculated that one-third to two-thirds ofSummary of NH Costs of Substance Misuse in 2012substantiated child abuse/neglect cases involve parental substance($ in Millions) abuse.Thehealthimpactonchildrenofmotherswhomisuse alcohol or other substances during pregnancy can result in birthAnnual Costs Productivity defects, emotional and behavioral disorders, neonatal abstinenceImpaired Productivity$1,084.36 syndrome and/or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, growth deficiency, andAbsenteeism$66.40 lower IQ.Subtotal$1,150.76 Health Care Economic ImpactsSubstance Misuse Treatment$15.60 Medical Care$230.76 \x01Alcoholandotherdrugmisuseposeeconomicburdensaswell. Insurance Administration$19.61 The costs associated with alcohol and other drug misuse in the U.S.Subtotal$265.98 topped $400 million in 2005, with 95.6% of costs incurred relatedCriminal Justice to alcohol and drug problems, such as hospital stays, emergencyPolice Protection$139/92 response, and criminal activity.Local governments in 2005 spentJudicial System$27.64 almost 16% of their budgets on dealing with substance abuse andCorrections$100.06 addiction, compared to 13.3% in 1998.This amount places theCost to Crime Victims$11.69 issueasthesecondmostcostlytolocalgovernmentsafterVictim Productivity Loss$4.77 elementary and secondary education.Subtotal$284.08 Other \x01In spite of the staggering costs associated with alcohol and otherMotor Vehicle Crashes$73.88 drug misuse consequences, in 2005, only 1.9% of substance abuseState/Local Tax Revenue$61.04 funds across the United States were committed to prevention andSubtotal$134.92 treatment, 0.4% to research, 1.4% to taxation and regulation, andTotal$1,835.74 0.7% to interdiction. 20 For every $100 spent on alcohol and otherNH Gross State Product$66,111 Substance Misuse Costs as a % of Gross State2.8% drug misuse problems, states spent an average of $2.38 on Product preventionandtreatment.NewHampshirerankedlastintheLifetime Costs Related to Annual Impacts nation, spending just 22 cents of every $100 of substance abusePremature Death$392.90 expenditures on prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug Grand Total$2,228.62 Substance Misuse Costs as a % of Gross State3.4% Product20 The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. (May 2009) Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State, and Local Budgets. p 4. Retrieved from: http://www.casacolumbia.org/articlefiles/380-ShovelingUpII.pdf33'