b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 TheGMPHN,withsupportfromCheshireMedicalCenter(CMC),Monadnock Region Health Coalitions and Related Priorities MonadnockVoicesforPrevention,andotherpartners,provides leadershipandcoordinationservicestoaddresspublichealth emergencypreparednessandsubstancemisuseprevention.Italso provides support to the Council for a Healthier Community (CHC), the Regions public health advisory council.The primary work of the CHC is to set regional health priorities, provide guidance to regional public healthactivities,andensurecoordinationofhealthimprovement efforts. The CHC actively supports the work of Healthy Monadnock 2020, a communityengagementinitiativetofosterandsustainapositive culture of health in the Region.Founded and developed by CMC in 2006, Healthy Monadnock 2020 maintains action plans for achieving the goal of becoming the healthiest community in the nation by the year 2020.These plans are being guided in the community by the HealthiestCommunityAdvisoryBoard,agroupof30individuals representing schools, organizations, coalitions and businesses.Many of Healthy Monadnocks strategies are incorporated into this CHIP. Thegraphictotherightillustratestherelationshipbetweenthe Regionshealthadvisorycoalitionsandtherelatedregionalhealth priorities and topics they are working in coordination to address.At thecenterofthisdiagramaretheRegionscoalitionsfocusedon community health - the CHC, the CHC Executive Committee, and the HealthyMonadnock2020AdvisoryBoard.SurroundingthecenterThe Monadnock region will be the healthiest community circle in light blue are the five regional health priorities on which thisin the nation where all individuals reach their highest planisfocused.Outsidethiscircleinadarkerblue aresocialandpotential for health.Engaging Champions to work economic factors that influence individual and community health.The orangecirclerepresentstheindividual,organizationalandschooltogether to achieve goals that make the healthy choice the championsthatHealthyMonadnock2020reliesontohelpachieveeasy choice will create a culture of health and improve theirvisionandgoals.Finally,theoutermostcircleliststhe33quality of life for everyone in the Monadnock Region.communities that comprise the Greater Monadnock Region. Guiding Vision of Healthy Monadnock7'