b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 depression. Comparedto individualsatanormalweight,those who are obese have a 50% to 100% increased risk of premature\x01The risk of death among people with diabetes is about twice that death from all causes. 25 Overweight and obese individuals mayof people without diabetes of a similar age.It is the 7 thleading alsosufferfromsocialstigmatization,discrimination,andpoorcause of death in the Region, comprising 2.5% of all deaths. 27 It is body image.alsoassociatedwithnumeroushealthproblemsincluding blindness,heartdisease,kidneyfailure,nervedamage,dental \x01Being overweight is a key risk factor for diabetes.It is estimateddisease,stroke,andcomplicationsofpregnancy.In2012,the that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 25% forpercentofadultswhohavediabetesaswellascoronaryheart each additional unit of BMI added above 22 kg/m2 (approximatelydiseaseinCheshireCountywas23.85%comparedto16.09% 5-7 pounds for an adult of average height). 26 In 2012, 8.72% ofstatewide. Cheshire County adults were diagnosed with diabetes, compared \x01Although diseases associated with obesity occur most frequently in to 9.51% statewide and 9.3% nationwide.Without intervention,adults,significantconsequencesofexcessweightoccurin the prevalence of diabetes is expected to continue to rise due tooverweightchildrenandadolescents.Overweightorobese changes in age, overall population growth, and increasing numberschildren and adolescents are more likely to become overweight or of people who are overweight, obese or less physically active. obese adults.Type 2 diabetes, high blood lipids, and hypertension as well as early maturation and orthopedic problems also occur with increased frequency in overweight youth. Percent of NH Third Graders who are Overweight or Obese, 2013-2014DatacollectedfromTheNewHampshireThirdGrade Healthy Smiles - Healthy Growth Survey, found that 25% ofthirdgradersinCheshireCountywereoverweight (12.8%) or obese (12.2%) in the 2013-2014 school year.1Statewide, 12.6% of third grade students were obese and 15.4% were overweight at the time of the survey.Although Cheshire County experienced the third lowest obesity and overweight rate in the state compared to the other nine counties, it is still well above 15%, which is the target established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.25Office of the Surgeon General http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK44210/#A1326http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/cdpc/diabetes/documents/action-plan.pdf27NH Division of Vital Records Administration, death certificate data, 2008 41'